Cople man jailed for multiple offences

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A man has been sentenced to 15 months in prison for multiple offences, including fraud, theft and criminal damage.

Mark Loveridge, 41, of Cople, pleaded guilty to theft from a motor vehicle, and fraud by false representation, after using a bank card that he took from the car.

Loveridge was also convicted of criminal damage and attempted theft for using a drill on a parking meter in Luton. He was spotted on CCTV and apprehended by officers, who found him in possession of £37.67 in change.

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A suspended sentence was also revoked as part of the sentence at Luton Crown Court on 3 August (Friday).

Luke Skelton, investigating officer, said: “I am really pleased that Loveridge has been sentenced at crown court today, following hard work to secure charges for multiple offences.

“He has no regard for the law, or the effect his actions could have, particularly on the young woman whose bank card he stole.”

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