Webb catches chub

Michael Webb shows off his chubMichael Webb shows off his chub
Michael Webb shows off his chub
Shefford & District AA...

Shefford & District AA’s Michael Webb is a regular along the Broom River stretch and his persistent efforts were rewarded by a 5lb 10oz chub.

The penultimate round of the pike series was held at The Airman and was won by Nigel Gilbert, who was the only one to catch. Nigel landed two pike of 6lb and 9lb 5oz for a total weight of 15lb 5oz.

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The final pike match will be held at Willington Lake on Sunday, February 23, with the draw at 8.15am and fishing from 9am-4.30pm.

Entry is open to all members, and for further details call Nigel Gilbert 07931 215778 evenings and weekends only.