New single from Eastbourne's songwriting A&E staff nurse

Lovin You is the new single from Kelvin Ossai, singer-songwriter and staff nurse in the A&E department at Eastbourne District General Hospital.

God, love and people have been his triple inspirations in his music throughout, says Kelvin who moved from Nigeria to Eastbourne late last year to take up his job.

There he has inspired patients and colleagues alike with his dedication and hard work.

But as he says, he has yet to experience what normal means.

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It has proved a remarkable few months since he made the move to this country.

“It has been incredibly busy, but it has been fine when you are working with understanding and co-operative people. It makes it a lot easier.”

And in fact, things are certainly starting to ease now anyway.

“There is certainly a reduced number of COVID-19 cases. I think the whole lockdown and increased hygiene have reduced the number of cases.”

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But there is still little prospect of getting out there with his music.

“I have been into music since childhood.

“I was in a children’s choir at church and moved to secondary school and was in a school choir.

“And when I moved to university (in Nigeria) I took part in choirs and became the choir music director.”

He released his first single some years ago – and moved to the UK to start work in Eastbourne last December.

“The NHS was looking for nurses because of the shortage.

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“And I realised there were better opportunities for me for my career in an advanced medical system and for academic studies.

“I only just moved here and there was the lockdown.

“Nobody really knows when schools are going to get back to normal, but I want to work and study.

“I like people. I like caring for people. Nursing is one of my passions, but I want to go higher maybe with a PhD or to become a tutor so that I can interact with more people. I would like to motivate the younger generation.

“If you want to influence policies and changes, you have got to go further.”

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Music remains central to his life too. As he says, his music reflects three things: love, God and people: “My music talks about those three things.

“I grew up in a Christian home and all my background has been Christianity. I sing gospel songs, but not in the usual ways.

“It is alternative gospel really. They are gospel songs but they can be played anywhere.

“And I also sing love thongs. No matter where you are in the world, what religion you are, what age you are or where you are in life, there is always someone you love and who loves you.

“Love is the one thing that holds us altogether.

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““And I also do songs about people. I do inspirational songs that have a message.

“Now I am in the UK, I want to try to blend the two, the UK and Nigeria, the two musical cultures.

“In the UK it is more house music. Nigeria has got Afro-beat sounds. I am trying to see how I can blend the two sides. You listen to the music and you know that it has an African feel, but it doesn’t really sound like Nigerian music.

“It feels like it is somewhere between the two.

“I am trying to create that meeting point between the two sides.”

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Kelvin’s music can be found on Spotify and iTunes see below.

You can also follow him on: Twitter:




You can also enjoy the new single on YouTube at

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