Alistair Burt reacts to today's Brexit vote

Parliamentary candidates for Bedford and Kempston, Mid Beds and North East Beds for the 2015 election.Parliamentary candidates for Bedford and Kempston, Mid Beds and North East Beds for the 2015 election.
Parliamentary candidates for Bedford and Kempston, Mid Beds and North East Beds for the 2015 election.
North East Bedfordshire MP Alistair Burt has reacted to the decision of the UK to leave the EU, and the resignation of the Prime Minister.

“Having campaigned for the UK to remain in the EU, I am immensely disappointed at the decision,” said Mr Burt.

“But this is a democracy, and I accept that this is a mandate to Parliament and MPs to put the decision into effect.

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“However there are many issues not settled by yesterday, from the nature of any trade arrangements with the EU to the details of any new immigration arrangements. What is already clear is that some things will not change quickly, and as a Health Minister I am disappointed that the promise of £350m a week for the NHS has already been admitted to have been a bit of a hoax.

“The most important thing now is to work for the decision constituents have taken, and make the best of new opportunities. There will be many difficulties, but I will do all I can to make this decision work as well as possible.

“I am very sad for David Cameron, who I respect and appreciate for his work as our PM. I think his decision was inevitable, but a period of stability over the summer is the right one,” he added.