Angry dad attacked six women in Biggleswade and Sandy

Court newsCourt news
Court news
A man has been given a suspended sentence after attacking his ex-partner, three social workers and two teachers in Biggleswade and Sandy.

The man, who cannot be named to protect his children, appeared at Luton Magistrates’ Court yesterday and pleaded guilty to multiple charges of assault by beating.

The court heard that on the morning of October 2, 2017, he was in an irate state while dropping one of his children off at school.

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He demanded that his child should be taken into care because he found the child difficult to cope with. After shouting and swearing at social workers, he pushed his partner to the floor and then pushed three female social workers as they tried to stop him getting into the main school.

Later that afternoon, he arrived at a different school to pick up another one of his children but the school had been warned about his behaviour and refused him admittance. He then attempted to push past two female teachers to get into the school.

In a victim impact statement, his now ex-partner said there have been “huge implications” on her and the children’s lives. They are now living in emergency accommodation.

She stated: “While he went to the [second] school, I used this opportunity to attend the home address with social workers and grab a bag [of belongings] for me and the children.

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“The cost of this is astronomical. I estimate I’ve had to spend £1,500 (on clothing and necessities) when I have these possessions at the family home.

“The children have struggled being away from the family home.”

Defending solicitor John Hardesty said that being told his child would not be put into care was the catalyst for the situation.

A probation officer told the court that the man deeply regretted his actions and added: “He says he became very frustrated at the lack of help and support they were getting.

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“He said that on the day in question, they’d had such issues getting there that he holds his hands up and says he just lost control.”

Asked about the second incident, the officer added: “He can only think that he was still upset about what had gone on earlier in the day.”

Sentencing the man to 10 weeks’ imprisonment suspended for 12 months, Deputy District Judge David Goodman said: “I take into account it was pushing and grabbing rather than punching and kicking, but there were still bruises and distress caused.

“The courts need to protect social workers and teaching staff working for the public good. Certainly on this occasion, these social workers and teachers were trying to protect children from you and they were assaulted.

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“This was not an isolated incident where in the heat of the moment you lost control. You committed the second round of offences hours after the first, in which you’d had ample time to calm down.”

Alongside a 10 week sentence suspended for 12 months, the man was ordered to pay £250 court costs, £220 compensation to his ex-partner as well as £120 to each of the other victims. A restraining order banning him from attending the school was also imposed.

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