Call to action over litter in town’s streets

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A frustrated resident is calling on volunteers to help clean up a town.

Peter Biernis is urging as many volunteers as possible to help him tidy up the streets of Biggleswade.

He said: “All around town there are areas which are in a very sorry state.

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“There’s litter everywhere, dog mess on the pavements and weeds at the sides of the roads as well.

“I have been in contact with the Keep Britain Tidy charity and I am arranging a community clean-up in the area around the bridge near Sainsbury’s on Saturday, March 16.”

Peter, 52, who lives in Boothey Close, says the levels of rubbish are stopping people from enjoying some of the more traditionally picturesque parts of town.

He added: “Franklin’s Recreation Ground and the footpath that leads to it are especially bad, while the area around the Dan Albone car park is also often covered with litter.

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“I have been in regular contact with Central Beds Council to improve the street cleaning but they don’t seem to want to do anything to help.”

Councillor Brian Spurr, executive member for sustainable communities, services at Central Beds Council, confirmed that a litter pick in the Mead End area will form part of the forthcoming Pride in Biggleswade day on Wednesday, March 20.

He said: “We take litter, and especially dog fouling, very seriously.

“We have dog wardens monitoring the area and will issue £75 fixed penalty notices to anyone failing to clean up after their dog.

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“We also strongly encourage everyone to think about what they do with their litter and use the bins that we 

He added: “We’re glad to hear local residents are committed to enhancing Biggleswade and we hope that we can work with Mr Biernis as part of our Pride In Biggleswade event.”

Anyone who would like to find out more about taking part in Peter’s clean-up can contact him on 07831 096045. Otherwise meet at the Dan Albone car park at 9am on the day.