Pain free birth and relaxation to make having babies a breeze

Sam Rogers with baby RonnieSam Rogers with baby Ronnie
Sam Rogers with baby Ronnie
Everyone knows that childbirth is painful; right? Well think again.

Mother-of-two Jane Wallington believes that pain is not a necessary part of bringing new life into the world. And, luckily for expectant mothers, she is willing to share the secret with her Breeze Birthing classes.

Jane is an antenatal hypnobirthing practitioner who teaches classes in Royston and Baldock. Having moved to Dunton before Christmas she is now starting sessions at The Courtyard Centre in Biggleswade as well.

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When Jane gave birth to her first child, Ruby, she had a painful experience that left her feeling exhausted.

So when she fell pregnant with her second daughter, Jessica, she was determined that the birth would be easier. A midwife advised her to consider having a hypnobirth.

Hypnobirthing involves bringing yourself into a state of deep relaxation so that you are at one with your body and free from fear.

Jane said: “This means women and couples can experience birth just as they should; with ease, in comfort and quickly with no or little pain relief.

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“For centuries we birthed like this and although the physiology of birth has never changed environmental factors surrounding birth have, creating negativity which causes fear.”

Royston mother Sam Rogers learnt how to have a hypnobirth at Jane’s classes. Her son, Ronnie, was born on Thursday, February 6.

She said: “After getting to our room in the birth centre we waited for the pool to fill and then I got in.

“I wasn’t in the pool long before the second stage commenced and I successfully breathed Ronnie out.

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“I then had the most surreal experience where Ronnie was on my chest calm and alert just staring at me. He actually fell asleep for a bit!

“The midwife was amazed at how calm Ronnie was throughout the birth and after when he entered the world. Hypnobirthing enabled me to have a quick, calm birth and a very content, alert baby.”

Kathy Hewitt-Smith also prepared for her birth by learning hypnobirthing techniques. She said: “My husband Adam and I did relaxation and breathing together.

“When I came to the hospital I got into the pool listening to comfort zone. Adam helped me breath through all the surges. Two hours later we had a perfect water birth.”

Kathy added: “Hypnobirthing helped us to have the perfect labour and the delivery was magical.”

For more information call The Courtyard Centre on 01767 319012.