Final curtain for Potton Music Festival

Some of the performers at Potton Music FestivalSome of the performers at Potton Music Festival
Some of the performers at Potton Music Festival
The final Potton Music Festival will be starting today on Friday August 4

The first festival was held in 2003 and organisers have said that difficulties in arranging the event has meant they would rather go out on a high.The three days of music will act as a celebration of the last 14 years with five concerts beind held on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.St John the Baptist Church in Cockayne Hatley will play host to the first concert starting at 8pm on Friday. There is a varied Mozart’s glorious Clarinet Quintet to the witty Till Eulenspiegel by Strauss via some as well as Telemann, Elgar and Stanford.There will be three concerts on the Saturday with a children’s concert a t Bourgoyne Middle School - a children’s concert starting at 11am. The festival then moves to St Mary’s Church in Potton with music by Mozart, Poulenc, Schumann and Rachmaninov. For the night owls among you, another concert comes to the church at 10am featuring soothing late night classics.The final concert takes place on Sunday at St John the Baptist in Cockayne Hatley at 11.30am on Sunday. This features a wind quintet concert featuring works by Scarlatti, Grieg and Mozart.There are also further fringe events and workshop will also take place. For further information about all of the events taking place visit

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